Negaunee's First Brewery....

Meet the Brewer
Mason Mathis
Where are you from : Grand Rapids, MI
Hobbies : disc golf, play guitar, nature wanderer
Favorite Beer : Shorts/Lagunitas, Fluxed in Paradise - among many others
Fun/unexpected fact about me : studied French linguistics at GVSU
Favorite thing about Negaunee : Old Town, I enjoy walking by the old foundations and imagining what life was like back then.
Line from a movie : "What ain't no country I ever heard of they speak English in what?" - Pulp Fiction
Best Vacation : working in France, not really a vacay but best travel experience
Favorite Quote : "Fool me once shame on you, fool me - You can't get fooled again" - George W Bush
Favorite Movie : Princess Bride
Favorite place to eat : Coachlight(breakfast) Donckers (lunch) Congress Pizza (dinner)
Favorite Food : pizza
Hidden Talent : good at guessing the end of a movie
Proprietors Ann & Jim Kantola
The Kantola's are long-time Negaunee residents who have made significant investment in redeveloping downtown. Their projects include the restoration of the 100 year old train depot, Union Station Depot into a vacation and event venue; a historic hotel into a private residence; several rental homes; a former bank into a private residence; the Negaunee City Center Mall redevelopment and the development of Jackson's Pit.
They currently reside in Negaunee and continue to support the revival of the downtown.